Confession time: I used to shampoo my hair daily. The world of dry shampoos seemed a lovely fairy tale that made for a great story, but would do nothing for my very real greasy hair dilemmas. Naturally I sought to prove everyone praising dry shampoos wrong and began testing out as many dry shampoos as I could get my hands on. Some did nothing, some left my hair greasier than it started, and others left a powdery mess. But then it happened. I was proven wrong. Without further ado, I present you with the two dry shampoos that work so well I've been able to cut my hair washing in half.
Klorane Gentle Dry Shampoo with Oat Milk: A friend from Switzerland originally introduced me to this French beauty brand. As a dancer and international traveler, she swears by the brand as the most effective in cutting down oil, giving her hair a fresh look despite dancing for hours and the minimal white residue quickly disappears after you comb the product through the hair. I've become addicted.
Oribe Dry Texturing Spray: Advertised as a "brilliant alternative to dry shampoo", the first thing I fell in love with about this product was the smell. The amazing, luxe fragrance that I'd like turned into a perfume, body lotion, and a candle (please Oribe!) is only one part of the overall 'brilliant' experience. The spray left no residue in my hair, left it with more volume as promised, and quickly absorbed any excess oil. This product has become a guilty pleasure that I'll use in my hair whether its dirty or clean.
Photo from Etsy